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- Employees will become more aware of safety in the workplace and will benefit from a safer work environment - fewer accidents on the job.
- After a positive drug test, an employee who loses a job may not qualify for unemployment compensation benefits.
- When refusing a drug test an injured employee may forfeit eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits
- When an employee tests positive on a post-accident drug test, the employment may not be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits
- Decrease in absenteeism, mistakes at work, theft in the workplace, and problems with supervisors
- Increase in productivity, competitiveness and employee moral
- 5% credit to workers’ compensation insurance premium
- Comprehensive written Drug-Free Workplace Policy (must have all provisions of Florida Statute 440.102)
- 60 day notice provided for initial testing of existing employees
- Maintain confidentiality
- Provide list of Over-The-Counter Medications which can alter of affect drug test results
- List of resources for Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Include notice of the Drug Free Workplace (DFW) on vacancy announcements for open positions
- Educate employees about the program
- Use of SAMHSA or Florida AHCA certified laboratory
- Use of a certified Medical Review Officer (MRO)
- Implement testing: pre-employment, reasonable suspicion, follow-up, routine fitness for duty, optional random testing
- File for 09-1 with insurance carrier annually to get the 5% credit
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